Minggu, 14 November 2010

Srampat Sandal

Srampat Sandal of Ceremony
"Srampat Sandal" is one class communities in the region SMAN 1 Genteng. Precisely so-called class "X4" (ten-four). "Srampat Sandal" established by mutual agreement. Do not see from this name, but look at in terms of meaning. Meaning of "Srampat Sandal" was actually a "Series of Ten Four Student Pledge" (Serangkain Sepuluh Empat Siswa Andalan). The number of members of the "Srampat Sandals" own totaling 40 students. In this class, we devote all the activities, imagination, creativity and expression as well as each of us, which we then merge into a single unit of good. Together "Srampat Sandals, we strive to be the best. The spirit and hopefully we all succeeded!! ^.^

Srampat Sandal of Scouts

Srampat Sandal in Class

9 komentar:

  1. ok, hopefully our class be the best class

    we should be able to be a mainstay students as our class name

  2. must be the best for our class,,"SRAMPAT SANDAL"

  3. haha srampat sandals is the best class i think :D

  4. sip.
    I hope your class will be the best class, ever :)

  5. best of the best class that i ever met.
    the members so crazy, humoris, en always keep smile ;-) .

    Iwan, Umam, Bayu en Adit. they are comedian in Srampat Sandal.

    en one more, Ika is Miss Alay too. ahihihi, lol . xPP

  6. seems your class is a fun class ..........

  7. i agree and i loving being in the class
    I hope to be united forever

  8. nice pictures.. seems like your class is very enjoyable :)

  9. ha3
    your class is very funny..
    and creative..

    i say congratulation..
    because your class can to be the winner..
